Tuesday, September 8, 2020

8 is my favorite number

They say 8 is the infinity number, it indicates luck. Some say it's also about harmony, peace and balance. But to me, 8 will always be my favorite number...because it's the day of September 21 years ago today when I made the most important decision in my life... the day I decided to be another's, and the day I decided to make someone mine.

Looking back, ours was never a perfect union. It's been filled with pettiness during the first three years, big fights until the 7th year, challenges until the 12th, and (thankfully) harmony until this day. What was never lacking, however, was love and joy and laughter, and those three things are the reasons why we made it through the years.

Funny how we now do things old married couples do...like coloring each other's hair... Sitting side by side silently while sipping coffee and watching TV... And having petty discussions about who said who and who did what years ago, who has the sharper memory...and who is right.

I guess it's really true after all...that your life is always your choice, and you have to live with that choice for the rest of your life. Well, this is definitely a choice I will be forever be grateful for.

Happy anniversary Daddy Edgar. What a wonderful journey it has been... with you. The best is yet to come.