Monday, March 18, 2019

Trust His Timing

Before I go to sleep, I just want to say that it breaks my heart and makes me cry that we did not get what we prayed for you.

I also want you to know that I am very proud of how you have wonderfully grown and evolved these past few months. Your life has not been easy and there were perhaps times when you probably doubted yourself and almost gave up. But the dauntless warrior in you and that indomitable spirit of yours  just kept you going. You never gave up, and that alone is a victory.

I am sorry for the times when I seemed out of touch and wasn't there for you when I got caught up juggling so many other things.  But God knows there was never a  day that I didn't  pray for you, and for your dreams to come true. And there never was a single moment where my love for you and my belief in what you are capable of doing ever faltered. That has and never will happen.

No matter where the coming days or months or years will bring you, please know that I am just here. I'm on your boat for the long haul, rowing with you no matter where your journeys will take you. It doesn't end here.

I hope you will never lose heart and give up on your dreams. Just keep dreaming, working and praying for it. One day, when you finally reach that destiny of yours, you will realize why you have to go through all that.

In time, all things will fall into place. All that we have to do, as you and I always did,  is to trust His timing.

I love you ate. Good night.